Capturing Transformational Learning Through Student Stories

USC Marshall School of Business - Executive Education
Industry: Higher Education
Number of Students: 7,000+ annually

Client Challenge

The prestigious USC Marshall Executive Education program sought to capture the life-changing impact of their courses through student testimonials. However, their marketing tended to focus on program and educator information versus real student outcomes. They needed an approach focused on emotional storytelling that could complement their academic messaging.

Make Good Solution

Make Good conducted video interviews with students across programs to highlight their profound professional and personal growth. By showcasing authentic student stories, we aimed to convey the transformative value of the educational experience. Our videos brought testimonials to life and were featured on the website and in program outreach.


Centering marketing on student impact stories increased inquiry generation and new student enrollment by showcasing the real-world value of Marshall Executive Education. Make Good’s compelling student testimonial videos became core assets for the school.

Services Provided
  • Student testimonial videos
  • Marketing messaging and storytelling
  • Video distribution and optimization
  • Website development with Jay Toffoli Design Co.